When thefts happen, your insurance policy may not cover your loss completely. If your insurance company follows common industry practices, they’ll cover only your vehicle’s actual cash value at the time of the theft. That means you’ll potentially be responsible for other expenses such as your insurance deductible, fees, sales tax, and down payment for your replacement vehicle.
Fortunately, Volkswagen Drive Easy Theft Protection offers you a theft deterrent and recovery system to help minimize your losses, plus a Limited Warranty that provides a benefit of up to $5,000.
Theft Protection benefits:
Distinctive theft deterrent window decals used to deter theft
Vehicle marked with traceable identification codes used to help identify the owner of a recovered vehicle
Up to $5,000 Limited Warranty Benefit if the Theft-Protection product fails to prevent the theft of the vehicle, and the vehicle is declared a total loss because either the vehicle is not recovered, or it is recovered but damaged beyond reasonable repair
Coverage for six (6) years
Transferable for a fee if you sell your vehicle to a private party or if your lease agreement is assumed
Protect your investment
The following illustrates how the Theft Protection Limited Warranty Benefit can help cover outstanding out-of-pocket costs if your vehicle is stolen and is declared a total loss.
Insurance deductible: $1,000 Down payment: + $2,000 Replacement vehicle costs (sales tax, other fees): + $2,000 Your potential expense: = $5,000* Theft Protection Limited Warranty Benefit: -$5,000 Amount you owe: = $0
*Approximate costs; your actual costs may vary.
This example is for illustrative purposes only. Actual Limited Warranty Benefit calculations will vary based on specific circumstances.
Coverage exclusions may apply:
Vehicles stolen outside the United States, its territories, or Canada
Vehicles stolen when unlocked or with the keys inside
Vehicles stolen by family members or other people with access to the vehicle’s keys
The Theft Protection product is permanently installed on the covered vehicle; therefore, the Theft Protection Program is not cancelable.
The following illustrates how the Theft Protection Replacement Benefit can help cover outstanding out-of-pocket costs if your vehicle is stolen and is declared a total loss.
Replacement vehicle cost (selling price* including taxes and fees, less any applicable rebates): $45,000 Actual cash value of stolen vehicle (as determined by primary insurer): -$40,000 Your potential expense: $5,000** Theft Protection Replacement Benefit: -$5,000 Amount you owe: = $0
*Selling price cannot exceed the MSRP (for new vehicles) or NADA value (for pre-owned vehicles). **Approximate costs; your actual costs may vary.
This example is for illustrative purposes only. Actual Replacement Benefit calculations will vary based on specific circumstances.
Additional New York Theft Protection benefits:
Theft Protection will also provide the following additional coverage in the event your vehicle is stolen:
Car rental reimbursement, including up to $25 a day for up to 30 days (maximum of $750 over the coverage period)
Trip interruption reimbursement, including up to $100 a day for meals, hotel, and transportation in the event the vehicle is stolen more than 100 miles from your home (maximum of $300 over the coverage period)
Homeowner’s or renter’s insurance deductible reimbursement of up to $1,000 if your valuables are stolen as a result of the theft of your vehicle
Primary insurance deductible reimbursement of up to $500 if your vehicle is stolen
The Theft Protection product is permanently installed on the covered vehicle; therefore, the Theft Protection Program is not cancelable.
Coverage exclusions may apply:
Vehicles stolen outside the United States, its territories, or Canada
Theft occurring prior to the Certificate purchase date
Theft resulting directly from any dishonest, fraudulent, or criminal act
The Theft Protection product is permanently installed on the covered vehicle; therefore, the Theft Protection Program is not cancelable.
In New York, the Insurer of the Volkswagen Drive Easy Theft Protection is Virginia Surety Company, Inc., 175 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604. The Administrator of Volkswagen Drive Easy Theft Protection is Safe-Guard Products International, LLC, Two Concourse Parkway, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30328, +1 844 368 6414